Book Testimonials.

"Hi Michelle, hope you are well. I thought I would send this email to say a big THANK YOU. I received a copy of your book in the mail and it looks absolutely wonderful. You and Emma have put so much work in to this – you can really tell. I hope it goes incredibly well. Thank you again." Jennifer Kapp
"Hi Michelle, I purchased one of your books over the internet and it is wonderful, so nice that it is not just another cook book. The references for all the foods are very interesting, I probably knew most of the benefits of the different foods as I do eat very well but there was still a lot of information I didn't know and the recipes are really nice. Great job and I hope it does very well for you. I have also purchased a few more copies for friends as once they saw it they just had to have one too." Julie McSweeney
"Dear Michelle, I read with great interest your interview for the People Magazine on your new book. It is impressive that you took the time to co-author such an important book. Congratulations and regards," Hamed Faridi, Ph.D.
"Job well done for you and Emma, Congratulations! The signed copy of the book will be kept in the waiting room." Thierry G. Vancaillie MD (Belgium), Gynaecologist and Pain Medicine Specialist
"Congratulation Michelle - awesome work and a great achievement. I am looking forward to picking up a copy in September." Lindsay Dawson
"Well Done Michelle! I am sure it will be a top seller!" Yvonne Polec
"Hi Michelle, That's lovely! I'm looking forward to seeing your book too! I had a look on the penguin link the other day and even the front page looks good. Let me know when you get your website up and running too so I can have a look! Congratulations, it's very exciting!" Wendy Rowe
"Congratulations, Michelle – very cool!!!" Michael
"Hi Michelle, Congratulations on getting it all finished." VENESSA NICKLESS Practice Manager
"Hey congratulations Michelle. With my son and his fiance's health focus and Australians, I have already posted the link to your cookbook on Facebook. Can't wait to buy my copy." Teri Curran Mascuch
"Hi Michelle and Emma Very exciting that you are now launching! It’s been a long journey. Lots of Love Jan and Ross xxxooo
"Hi Michelle, That is such great news!! Congratulations! I wonder if we will be able to get it here in SA eventually! Congrats again!!" SUNELLE ROUX CONSUMER INSIGHT CO-ORDINATOR